Sustainable Urbanisation and the New Capital

Kei Otsuki
Professor and chair of International Development Studies at Faculty of Geosciences of Utrecht University

Bart A. Barendregt
Professor Digital Anthropology at the Leiden Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Sociology (CADS) as well as the UNESCO Chair of the Anthropology of Digital Diversity

Galuh S. Indraprahasta
Senior researcher of urban and economic geography at the Research Center for Population, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)

Prof. Rijanta
Professor in Rural Geography at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Dr.M. Ir. H. Fitriansyah, ST, MM
Head of Research and Innovation Agency of East Kalimantan Province

Ari Susanti
Lecturer/Researcher at the Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Event Details
In Indonesia, cities are increasingly becoming the pulse of life for most of its population. Based on the latest census (2020), it was recorded that about 57% of Indonesia’s population already lives in urban areas. This percentage is predicted to increase to about 67% by 2035. In this context of an urbanizing Indonesia, cities have emerged as the dynamic spatial fabric. Not only do we find so-called megacities and metropolitan areas under constant change, other smaller urban areas are thriving.
Meanwhile, the country’s drive towards decentralization since the early 2000s, has proven to provide greater room for local actors to manoeuvre and steer their own fate, and in aiming to make their cities to become attractive. As Indonesia prepares to embrace its new capital city built in the extraction frontiers of East Kalimantan aiming to make it a smart and green city, and surrounding smaller urban areas are also affected greatly by this national urban project, this session aims to discuss how to ensure social inclusion and distribution of opportunities for all the social groups in the process of urbanization. The session offers a useful platform for Indonesian and Dutch researchers, planners and students to exchange knowledge on the future of urbanization in Indonesia.