Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals: Education and Research Collaboration Towards the Future
WINNER 2021 is scheduled to take place from 26-28 October. The overarching theme will be Innovation for the SDGs: Education and Research Collaboration Towards the Future. The Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, the Chairman of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and the Minister of Education, Culture and Science of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, are invited for the opening. After the opening, the first day will have a keynote session with young female researchers, followed by a session on ‘How to Innovate Research Collaboration to achieve the SDGs’ led by BRIN.
During the second day, there will be 6 streams of parallel sessions organized by Dutch and Indonesian researchers on topics related to urban-rural dynamics, innovating food systems, water and energy management, public health, knowledge in practice and opportunities to collaborate with BRIN. In addition, there will be distinct spaces for online networking and matchmaking.
The third day will start with 3 parallel main sessions on: the Internationalization of Education, Research Collaborations on/during Covid-19, and the Role of Religion in Tackling Water and Climate Challenges.
The final session will be a presentation of citizen research by Cynthia Boll, followed by a discussion on climate change and climate adaptation, with a particular perspective on health for which the Indonesian and a Dutch Minister of health are invited. WINNER 2021 will be closed by the Indonesian Ambassador to the Netherlands and the Dutch Ambassador to Indonesia.