The Internationalization of Education

Aris Junaidi
Director of Learning and Students Affairs

Gerbert Kunst
Director of International Policy at the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

Titia Bredée
Director-General at Nuffic, the Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education in The Hague.

Tom Veldkamp
University of Twente’s Rector Magnificus

Al Makin
Rector UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Salamah Agung
Scholarship Coordinator for the Area of Australia, Europe and America, 5000 Doktor Program, Ministry of Religious Affairs Head of Career Center, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Mervin Bakker
Director International Strategy & Relations
Event Details
Internationalization of Education
The Indonesian Government is stimulating the internationalization of education, amongst others via the ‘Kampus Merdeka’ initiative. The overall goal of ‘Kampus Merdeka’ is to create a more flexible learning process in higher education and increase link and match with the corporate sector. In this context, a key performance indicator for Indonesian universities will be whether their study programmes have collaboration with world-class universities.
Other incentives from Kemendikbud – RISTEK focus on increasing mobility of Indonesian students to study abroad as well as on encouraging international students to study in Indonesia, developing academic curricula taking inspiration from international standards and examples, supporting more international partnerships and promoting double degree programmes and internship possibilities.
Indonesia is also inviting overseas universities to invest and open its campus in Indonesia. The new campus of the Australian Monash University in Jakarta is a primary example of a recent investment along these lines. Kemendikbud-RISTEK is now collaborating more closely with LPDP, for example in the establishment of the new International Indonesian Student Mobility Awards (IISMA). LPDP will also start to support vocational education.
· To identify achievements and success stories in higher education partnerships between the two countries and challenges and constraints that still need to be tackled. What do the governments want to achieve? What do the HEI want to achieve?
· To create more workable and feasible partnerships between the two countries in the area of academic collaboration, joint programmes and reciprocal mobility, and link this to address global challenges as laid down in the SDGs. Can particular areas, new model/schemes of joint programmes or new initiatives for collaboration be recommended? How do we operationalize the collaboration and mobility?
· To develop more sustainable institutional collaboration. Where can the two countries learn from each other? How to collaborate in professional development of HEI in the field of internationalisation and sharing of best practices and experiences?
List of Key Questions:
- Where are the gaps between what has been achieved and the ambitions of both countries? (e.g. What do the governments want to achieve? What do the HEIs want to achieve?) and where do we need to be more focused on?
- How do we materialize the collaboration into a more workable and feasible programmes in education, and research projects?
- Can particular areas, new model/schemes of joint programmes or new initiatives for collaboration be recommended? How do we operationalize the institutional collaboration and mobility?
- How can we reflect our established collaboration on the policy sides from both countries?
- Where can the two countries learn from each other? How to collaborate in professional development of HEI in the field of internationalisation and sharing of best practices and experiences?
- How can we maintain the sustainability of institutional collaboration?