Prof.Dr. Ir. Tom Veldkamp is the University of Twente’s Rector Magnificus since 27 November 2020. He did his PhD at Wageningen University and Research, in 2002 he was appointed as Professor of Land Dynamics at this university. He was Head of the Landscape Centre at Wageningen, and scientific director of the Centre for Geo-Information and Remote Sensing.
In 2010, Tom Veldkamp was appointed as Rector/Dean of the ITC institute – Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation. In his years as a Dean, he led the transformation of ITC – from an independent institute to one of UT’s faculties. ITC has a very good reputation across the world, many of its alumni are at prominent positions in their home country.
Tom Veldkamp’s research topics involve earth system analysis and modeling. He developed several spatial explicit models on landscape processes and land use change.