Transforming Urban Foodscapes: Community-based Transformation of Urban Foodscapes via the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact

Filippo Gavazzeni
Heads the MUFPP Secretariat & Knowledge Sharing Programmes

Ir. Gin Gin Ginanjar
founder of Buruan SAE integrating agricultural activities into urban foodscapes. Head of Agency for Food Security and Agricultural Affairs since 2019

Dr. Iwan Setiawan
Associate Professor at the Department of Agricultural Socio-Economics, Universitas Padjadjaran

Dr. Rico Ihle
Associate Professor at the Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy Group of Wageningen University

Dr. Sara Ratna Qanti
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Agricultural Socio-Economics, Universitas Padjajaran

Dr. Dadan Wardhana
Head of Division for Regional Economic and Natural Resources at Agency for Regional Planning, Research, Bandung Regency and Innovation and guest lecturer at Department of Agricultural Socio-Economics, Universitas Padjadjaran
Event Details
For achieving the sustainability transition of food systems, SDGs 2 ‘zero hunger’ and 12 ‘sustainable consumption and production’ are central global goals. Achieving them in densely populated urban agglomerations – in which 160m Indonesians (57%) and 16.6m Dutch (93%) people live – is especially challenging. The Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) has – as a worldwide initiative of urban centers – a leading role in that. The session showcases foodscape transformations achieved in Bandung Metropolitan Area (BMA) which is with a population of 9m one of the largest agglomerations in South-East Asia and one of the most committed cities in both countries transforming urban food systems via the MUFPP.
The purpose of the session is to create awareness of urban decision makers and other societal stakeholders on the potentials of profiting from the MUFPP for achieving sustainability transformations of urban food systems by showcasing the achievements of the role model city Bandung for the many cities of Indonesia and the Netherlands. The session provides a platform for exchanging experiences and sharing inspiration from BMA as role model for creating opportunities for scaling up foodscape transitions in both Indonesia and the Netherlands on how the MUFPP can be used to transform urban foodscapes.
It aims at creating societal momentum resulting in tangible political action for realizing impact on urban foodscape transformation. The target audience includes city administrations, regional planning and food system experts as well as NGOs, grass-root initiatives, educators and researchers in the fields of food systems and sustainability (transitions).