Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions: From Knowledge to Practice through Strengthening Legal Education
Event Details
How to stimulate that the knowledge generated in international research cooperation reaches the lecturers and students at local Indonesian universities?
That’s a driving question in the current Indonesia – Netherlands cooperation between the Van Vollenhoven Institute (Leiden University) and Indonesian universities, after we have had a series of research and capacity building projects together.
Meanwhile in less developed parts of Indonesia university lecturers would like to improve their courses and teaching skills to face the demands on education from Indonesian society at present, but they lack sufficient input for such innovations.
In the NUFFIC OKP project “Strengthening legal education in Eastern Indonesia (SLEEI)” VVI and the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) cooperate with mid-career lecturers of Indonesian top universities, who act as trainers in tailor-made workshops for universities in Ambon, Mataram, Kupang en Waingapu. ( The trainers successfully transformed the local workshops in hybrid live -online sessions (due to COVID-19 measures).
SLEEI’s themes are legal skills (critical analysis), ethics and law, gender and law, local context, and interactive teaching methods. SLEEI’s objectives address SDGs 4. Quality education, 5. Gender equality, and 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions.
This WINNER session will explain how SLEEI’s approach stimulates participation and local ownership, empowering colleagues at less privileged universities, and adapting knowledge from international research to local demands. A partner from eastern Indonesia, a trainer, the content coordinator from VVI and a process facilitator from KIT will give pitches about their role in the process – . We will end with a panel discussion.