Regional education and research collaboration in geothermal
Event Details
Regional education and research collaboration in geothermal: setting the agenda for a sustainable future
Over 10 years the GEOCAP ( consortium of Netherlands and Indonesian universities and companies has built capacity in geothermal resources in Indonesia. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands has been GEOCAP main sponsor and additional sponsorship has been secured from Indonesian Ministries (MEMR, BAPPENAS) and Industry partners.
GEOCAP coordination has been done by the Faculty ITC (University of Twente) together with INAGA (the Indonesian branch organisation for geothermal). There is a huge potential in Indonesia for tapping into this natural and sustainable heat source to develop sustainable energy and produce heat for industrial processes. Indonesia is in the top 10 geothermal energy producers worldwide and has yet explored a fraction of its potential. Most of the developed resources are on Java island. There are many resources on other islands but lack of skilled personnel on these islands is a bottle neck to developing such resources.
This session hence is focused on highlighting regional education programs (at Universities outside Java) that focus on developing skilled personnel for geothermal resource development. We also present some of the research challenges these islands face to foster further uptake of geothermal. Through involving some of the GEOCAP consortium partners in the discussions we develop an education agenda and training plan for further developing reskilling and upskilling of personnel to contribute to the body of knowledge at these regional universities.
The moderators for the session represent the Bandung Institute of Technology (Institut Teknologi Bandung ITB) and the ITC of the University of Twente. Cases on regional education and research advancement of universities outside Java will be presented and best practices will be shared.
Some participants that are new to geothermal will learn about this exciting sustainable resource of energy, however the focus is on regional universities (outside Java) in Indonesia that have geothermal programs or are developing such programs and are in need for their capacity to be developed, their trainers trained and their curriculum enriched.
By using the example from the University of Manado we show a pilot of a curriculum designed with active participation of industry, colleague universities that are more advanced in geothermal education in a challenged based education framework. This concept of challenge based is new and will also be explained. During the session but also by establishing contacts and approaching these after the session we can better map the needs of the regional universities and how to help them to upscale geothermal education to fit the demands of industry in skilled personnel. This should lead to a agenda or pilot program for future collaborations.