Dr. Eng. Ir. Suryantini ST, Dipl Geothermal EnTech., MSc – Institut Teknologi Bandung
She is a geologist graduated from ITB, MSc in Earth Resource and Environmental Geoscience from ITC Netherland, she received a Post Graduate Diploma in Geothermal Energy Technology from the University of Auckland, New Zealand and a Doctor’s of Engineering Degree in Geothermics from Kyushu University, Japan. She started her carrier as exploration geologist at various multinational companies. She joined ITB in 2008 as lecturer and researcher in Geology and Geothermal Study Program. Currently she serves as IGA Board of Director, ADB (Energy Sector), Investment Planning and Capacity Building Facility – GPGP – National Subsurface Expert/Geologist, Chairman of ITB International Workshop for 9 years. She is the ITB manager for GEOCAP.