Sulistyowati Irianto, was appointed as a professor of Legal Anthropology at Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia since 2008. She teaches Legal Anthropology, Gender and Law, and Legal Research Methods. She graduated from Gadjah Mada University with a Bachelor’s degree in 1985), from Leiden University she received a Master’s degree in 1989), and from Universitas Indonesia her Doctoral degree in 2000). She was a visiting researcher/professor at CORE University Program by JSPS and NRCT, Kyoto University for a program on Changing Families in Asia (2007-2009); Visiting researcher in the field of family law (inheritance) at Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden Law School (Post-Doctoral Program, 2010-2012); visiting researcher for the Program on Social Justice & Global Migration at the International Social Studies, the Hague, supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada (2013)
She is a member of the Commission on Legal Pluralism since 1993, co-founder and member of the Asian Initiatives on Legal Pluralism since 2004, co-founder and member of the Convention Watch Working Group – Universitas Indonesia (1994-2008), Head of the Center for Women and Gender Studies, Universitas Indonesia (2000-2010), Head of Anthropology Graduate Program, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Indonesia (2009-2012), Chair of the Studies Program on Law, Society and Development, Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia since 2019, Chair of the Trusty Board of the Research Institute of Indonesian Earth Innovation (INOBU), since 2018.
She has done research and published in the field of law and society with a gender perspective, resulting in books, book chapters, articles, and conference papers. Some of them are published in national and international fora. It includes themes of access to justice for women and adat communities, family law (inheritance issues), women migrant worker, women’s access to natural resources and environmental management, and court room studies on violence against women cases.
She is awarded Cendekiawan Berdedikasi by Kompas (2014), Soetandyo Wignyosubroto Award by Universitas Airlangga (2015), Humanity Award by International Forum for Peace and Human Rights – Sandya Institute & Erasmus Huis, the Netherlands Embassy (2019)
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