Upon 8 years of full-time teaching experience in this university plus prior to that 7-year- working as part-time teacher at Universitas Pelita Harapan, I’m finally focusing my research and community outreach on digital media and communication subjects. Digital is not only the word added in front of other words but it is an inevitability. It even becomes priority agenda for Indonesia’s presidency of G20 initiatives which is called digital transformation. Since 2017, Indonesia’s ministry of information and communications has the agenda to transforms cities and regencies into smart cities. Smart city consisted of 6 pillars: smart governance, smart branding, smart society, smart living, smart economy and smart environment. In other words, smart city attempts to transform cities and communities digitally. As for my place and object of research, I have decided that cities’ events in North Sulawesi will be interesting objects to focus on. These yearly events are part of city branding strategies. Earlier, I mentioned that smart branding is one pillar of smart city according to our government. So, the concept of smart city is interlinked with the concept of city branding, which was my research focus since the year 2020. But, apart from North Sulawesi, in 2022, I conducted research in Central Sulawesi which is on topic smart city branding-PALU GEOPARK CITY. The idea is to support Palu by creating Nalodo Museum – the Centre of Sustainability. Nalodo Museum will serve as touristic venue where people learn and disseminate information mainly on natural disaster and climate change.
Poster Title
DANCE YOUR WAY TO A MORE SUSTAINABLE CITY – (the city can change alternately, all around Indonesia)
E-mail: carlystiana@gmail.com
Poster Session