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Winner 2022 - Day 1 » The New Era of Research Collaboration Between Indonesia and the Netherlands

The New Era of Research Collaboration Between Indonesia and the Netherlands


Acting Deputy Chairman for Research and Innovation Facilitation in BRIN (National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia), as Research Professor with a specialization on Macromolecular Chemistry

Head of International Policy at NWO (and interim director Bureau of the Executive Board)


Chief Science Officer of the Ministry of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and also professor by special appointment of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation at Radboud University in Nijmegen.

Lecturer at Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University.

Event Details

Day 1
October 18th, 2022
16.30-18.00 GMT +7 / 11.30-13.00 GMT+2

Strengthening and expanding NL-IDN collaboration in research and education is seen as added value in Research Collaboration by both sides and there is a lot of interest in it. With a visit of BRIN to the Netherlands in June 2022, the Knowledge Mission from the Dutch Minister to Indonesia in July 2022 and the meetings with Kemendikbudristek and BRIN, this WINNER conference and the G20 in November with the visits of various Dutch delegations it is a good moment to evaluate the current Research Collaboration and to identify changes for the future.

For example, BRIN and NWO emphasize better exchanges of researchers (junior – senior) and combating fragmentation. NWO is working out a proposal with its Dutch partners for instruments where the exchange of Young Researchers is easier and thus more attractive. Perhaps additional funding is needed to strengthen and expand NL – IDN cooperation. Procedure surrounding the research visa and the visa application and processing, ​​as well as the embedding of Indonesian students at NL knowledge institutions and housing, is difficult due to the complicated constructions that have to be devised. A jointly coordinated, simplified procedure could provide a solution.

BRIN, Kemendikbud and NWO will briefly reflect on

  1. The current and future Research Collaboration between the Netherlands and Indonesia (what do we have now, which instruments and which Resources and capacity).
  2. To further elaborate on new initiatives – do we need new or different resourcing of research collaboration? (do we need a different way of working for more impact?)
  3. What is needed to let a future collaboration be succesfull, broader then financial support for projects. E.g. Knowledge House, WINNER, Science Diplomacy, facilitating young Researchers