Cooperating in Legal Education: Challenges and Perspectives for International Law Lecturers

Michail Vagias
Senior Lecturer in Law at The Hague University of Applied Sciences

Arie Afriansyah
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia
Event Details
Due to the speakers’ consent, please note that this session will not be recorded,
and no recordings will be available on the WINNER website after the event
This session is dedicated to the challenges and opportunities faced by the Indonesian Society of International Law Lecturers (ISILL) and The Hague University of Applied Sciences in their joint effort to organise a training on international law and legal skills for ISILL members. Interested participants will hear about the idea, how this draws from the successful UI’s NICHE project experience in 2016-2019, the current efforts to make the training take off, its challenges and opportunities. The session will include a powerpoint presentation and participants will be engaged in an interactive exchange of ideas in the closing discussion on the ways moving forward.