An Inclusive Approach Towards Smart, Resilient, and Climate-neutral Cities

Rizal Sebastian
Professor & Chair of Research Group Future Urban Systems at The Hague University of Applied Sciences

Peter Paul van ‘t Veen
TNO I4D and Urban Strategy

Assistant Professor at School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development – Bandung Institute of Technology

Lisette van Rhijn
STIPO Netherlands

Rosalyn Siburian
Founder I&P Indonesia
Event Details
The world is urbanizing at a very fast rate. In the EU, 75% of the population currently lives in cities, and in the Netherlands, this percentage is even higher at 92% (World Bank, 2020). Cities play a pivotal role in achieving climate neutrality by 2050. On 28 April 2022, the European Commission announced the 100 cities participating in the EU Smart Cities Mission, including The Hague and several other cities in the Netherlands.
Our living conditions influence our health and well-being. A smart city, according to the Smart Cities Council, is one that employs information and communications technology to improve liveability, workability, and sustainability. A city is not a city without the people. You can’t separate the built environment from the social environment.
In particular for Indonesia, because the distribution of technology within the country is not equally levelled, it is necessary to involve the local communities and increase their sense of belonging of urban areas. In this regard, placemaking is a suitable approach.
Our target audience consists of academia and practitioners – they can be considered as the placemakers. They are interested in exploring collaborations with knowledge centers, such as universities and research institutes in the Netherlands and in Indonesia for cross-learning about the approaches and best practices to realise smart cities and better quality of life.
An objective of our workshop session is to discuss the concept and sound examples of smart cities and placemaking to inspire urban planners, designers, engineers, and policy makers who are involved in Nusantara. We would point out to opportunities and challenges of smart cities, especially with regard to: Livability (“People & Placemaking”), Productivity (“Prosperity”), and Climate-neutrality (“Planet”).
Video Recording