25 Years of Nuffic in Indonesia (1997-2022): Lessons Learned and The Future of Internationalization of Education

Peter van Tuijl
Director of Nuffic Neso Indonesia

Anita Hardon
NWO Executive Board, Chair Domain Social Sciences and Humanities

I Made Andi Arsana
Head of Office of International Affairs of UGM

Arif Satria
Rector of IPB University

Dirk Jan Koch
Chief Science Officer of the Ministry of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and also professor by special appointment of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation at Radboud University in Nijmegen.

Evi Eliyanah
Associate Professor in Gender Studies and Director of Office of International Affairs, Universitas Negeri Malang. She is also the Member of Science and Education Working Group of the Indonesian Young Academy of Sciences
Event Details
WINNER was created in 2020 as a flagship event to celebrate and support the development of the Indonesia-Dutch knowledge relationship. WINNER has the ambition to continue at least up to 2030, corresponding to the timeline of the SDGs. This year, we also celebrate the fact that Nuffic has been present in Indonesia for 25 years. Founded in 1997 as the ‘Netherlands Education Centre’ (NEC), the office has evolved over the years into the current Nuffic – Neso office.
At the beginning of 2023, a new Education and Science Attaché will be located in the Dutch Embassy in Jakarta, while during the recent NL Knowledge mission to Indonesia, an agreement was established among different Dutch stakeholders to create an ‘NL Knowledge House’ in Jakarta, technically facilitated by Nuffic but with a closer direct link to the Knowledge sector in the Netherlands in terms of governance and funding. At the same time, the Nuffic office will develop into an office that will cover not only Indonesia but the Southeast Asia region as a whole.
On the Indonesian side, we have recently also seen significant changes in the organization of the governance of education, with the formation of BRIN and the merging of two Ministries of Education into one. Both have led to numerous new policies and initiatives, including a stronger focus on international collaboration.
The Indonesia-Dutch knowledge relationship is thus in a particularly dynamic phase, which was underlined by the visit of BRIN to the Netherlands in June and the visit of the Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science and a Dutch Knowledge delegation to Indonesia in July. While acknowledging progress and the good spirit of the relationship, it is meaningful and the end of WINNER 2022 to question ourselves whether we are moving in the right direction and whether we respond effectively in the bigger picture of the future challenges of knowledge collaboration?
Video Recording