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WINNER 2022 » Poster Session » The Role of the “Future City” Program in the Digitization of Indonesian Micros Small Medium Enterprises (MSME)
Authors: Titi Maria

Digital technology can be a tool to develop a country by forming a digital society that encourages better living standards. However, the challenge for many micros, small, medium and enterprises (MSME) to the COVID-19 pandemic because consumer spending shifted online amid social restrictions. The majority of MSME (82.9%) were negatively affected by this pandemic, but only a small number (5.9%) have positive growth. Data also shows that 99% of all businesses in Indonesia are MSME businesses, but only 21% have any digital presence.<br /> For MSME to stay afloat and continue to thrive, they must adapt faster to digital technology. PT Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk, PT Grab Teknologi Indonesia (Southeast Asia’s leading superapp with the brand name ‘Grab’ ) and PT Tbk (biggest e-commerce marketplace platform in Indonesia with the brand name ‘bukalapak’) have initiated “Future City” to foster MSME in second and third tier town in Indonesia, Solo and Kupang in 2021 so that this town can grow into a “Future City”. This is in line with SDG No 3: Good Health and Well Being. It continued by on-boarding and accelerator programs for MSME, e.g., training and assistance for business development in digital technology of total on-boarding participants of 15,713 MSME and 107 MSME in the business accelerator program. These are in line with SDG No 1: No Poverty, SDG No 4: Quality Education, and SDG No 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.

Should you have any questions, please contact :

Titi Maria Rusli

+62 8158845238