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WINNER 2022 » Poster Session » Smart City Branding: Palu, Rebuilding & Rebranding Palu-Smart Geopark City
Authors: Carly Stiana Scheffer-Sumampouw

As known, SDG has 17 areas of development for all countries in the United Nations. The eleventh goal of SDG is to create a city and community that is inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Thus, the concept of smart city is inline with the concept of sustainable city. There are thirty-four provinces in Indonesia comprised of 98 cities and 416 regencies. And our government through Information and Communication Ministry aims to transform society to become digital society. Theory of brand, rebranding and rebuilding are used especially after the devastated disasters in Palu, Central Sulawesi on 28 September 2018; earthquakes, tsunami and liquefaction. Therefore, it is crucial to research how this city rise up after 4 years in terms of rebuilding this city and rebranding its image towards stakeholders. This is ongoing research; it aims to depict strategy of smart city branding Palu and it is collaborative action between academicians (Universitas Pelita Harapan and Universitas Tadulako) and local government to help Palu community. It is suggested the branding of Palu: Smart Geopark City. This research project is a series of research started out from the city of Manado.

Should you have any questions, please contact :

Carly Stiana Scheffer-Sumampouw

+62 81218128122