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WINNER 2022 » Poster Session » Citizen Supported Agriculture in Indonesia
Authors: Ibnu Budiman

This action research aims to find a more sustainable and resilient food system. Based on the literature review we found that urban areas in Indonesia can adopt a concept of a local food system that was designed to shorten the growing gap between producer and consumer called Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). CSA has a basic system where members pay a sum of money (subscription) upfront that supports the farm operation. We tested the CSA using participatory action research in three locations in Indonesia. The communities adopted aquaponic and hydroponic cultivated in their areas, and the membership is open for the residents within the farm's region. The members become 'part' of farmer-producer cooperation based on a 'fair-income for the farmer' principle. We found the creation of a community farm creates a local food source and new job opportunities for young farmers.<br />

Should you have any questions, please contact :

Ibnu Budiman

+62 85762480753