Rural development in Enrekang district faces a dilemma of increasing agricultural production without damaging the ecosystem. Exploring pathways for a sustainable future, the local government from different offices and local education institute initiated to develop a Digital Farmer Field School (DFFS) as a first initiative of the living lab Enrekang. The Living Lab approach is commonly acknowledged as a relevant approach to discuss the strategic directions, assessing the implications, setting priorities and strategic choices in the design and development of innovative directions. DFFS is a tablet-based digital learning environment for farmers and other stakeholders in the rural communication system, serves as an alternative to conventional agricultural extension. Through the DFFS, the Living Lab Enrekang aimed to embed sustainability of rural economy through knowledge, engagement, collaboration and innovation which crosses boundaries of science domains and creative practices as it searches for a balance between food production, environmental protection and public health in an innovative governance configuration. This paper (poster) presents the background / context of the living lab Enrekang and its relevance and contributions to increased synchronization of rural services for agricultural production, environmental protection, and public health toward sustainable agriculture in Enrekang district.