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WINNER 2021 » Poster Session » SDG’s: Towards the Right Direction to Save Pregnant Women’s Live in Indonesia
Author: Fotarisman Zaluchu, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Science and Politics, Universitas Sumatera Utara

Maternal mortality is one of the targets of the MDGs that Indonesia has not achieved. Followed by the SDGs, currently maternal mortality in Indonesia is 305 per 1000 live births. This figure is the highest in ASEAN. To reduce maternal mortality is the major project of the Ministry of Health, in order to reach the rate to 183 per 100 thousand live births. Unfortunately, during the pandemic, maternal mortality spiked drastically, more than 10 times.In this presentation, the author wants to show that the problem of maternal mortality should be approached by reconstructing each culture because according to WHO, 30-50 percent of health status is determined by the social determinant of health.In this case study, the author investigates maternal mortality in Nias Island. The author reveals that maternal death is triggered by the absence of women's autonomy. This autonomy has been taken away by other parties, outside of women. Meanwhile, women are required to obey, by asking women to fulfill their destiny. This is supported by the process of marriage and women's lives in the family. This condition is exacerbated by the poor quality of health service for pregnant women in rural areas, the main locus of maternal mortality in Indonesia.The author also describes current efforts to increase the husbands’ awareness and other community members to maternal health by designing locally-based educational methods. All of these methods are used to accommodate social approaches in reducing maternal mortality. Without a local approach, efforts to reduce maternal mortality as the SDGs target are only jargon.

Should you have any questions relevant for this research/project

Mr. Fotarisman Zaluchu

+62 8126478106