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WINNER 2021 » Poster Session » Rotasi Institute: Institute for Rural Development and Sustainability
Presenter: Isnawati Hidayah

The ROTASI Institute (Institute for Rural Development and Sustainability) is legally registered as `` Pusat Studi Pembangunan Desa dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pinggiran`` located in Blitar Regency which was established on January 25, 2020.This institute is registered under the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic Indonesia Number AHU-0007080.AH.01.07.TAHUN2020. The registration procedure was done by notary NGILMA KHOIRUNNISA from Salatiga, Indonesia, according to a copy of Deed Number 10, July 18, 2020.The ROTASI Institute is an independent institution that is not affiliated with government agencies, political parties/groups, and certain religious groups.

Should you have any questions relevant for this research/project

Ms. Isnawati Hidayah

Contact Person: Isnawati Hidayah;
