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WINNER 2024 » Speakers » Yuni Setyaningsih, Isnawati Hidayah, Cindy Silvia Hadi, Prasetiyo
Yuni Setyaningsih, Isnawati Hidayah, Cindy Silvia Hadi, Prasetiyo
Researchers from ITS Surabaya; ROTASI Institute, Blue SEED, DKP


Yuni Setyaningsih, S.K.Pm., M.Sc., is a dedicated university lecturer at ITS, Surabaya, and serves as the Director of the Rootcause Initiative. Her research expertise spans international development, GEDSI (Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion), advocacy, policy, communication,and climate change.

Isnawati Hidayah, an economic researcher and Ph.D. candidate at both Leiden University and Sapienza University of Rome, is the founder and director of the ROTASI Institute. Her research focuses on health economics, economic development, public health, inequality, and food and nutrition security.

Cindy Silvia Hadi is a specialist in sustainable aquaculture and fisheries compliance, ensuring that aquaculture practices meet environmental standards and regulations. Her work promotes sustainable fisheries management, protects marine ecosystems, and supports the livelihoods of communities reliant on aquaculture.

Prasetiyo D. E., an aquaculture specialist, has extensive knowledge in fish farming and sustainable aquaculture practices. His expertise contributes to improving aquaculture systems, enhancing productivity, and promoting environmentally friendly practices within the industry.

Poster Title

Impact Assessment on Economic-Social and Environmental Benefits of Aquaculture in Enhancing the Well-being of Coastal Communities in Banyuwangi, East Java




Poster Session