TUSWADI, S.Pd., M.Ed., Ph. D in Ed. (known as Dr Tus) is an ASN (civil servant)-English teacher, scientist, and writer born in Banjarnegara, Central Java. He completed his postgraduate education at the Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC) Hiroshima University by earning M.Ed. (cumlaud) and Ph.D. in Ed. (2009-2014). He was awarded Japanese Government Scholarship (Teacher Training Program) at Nagoya University and at Aichi University of Education (2007-2009). He got Bachelor Degree in English Education (S.Pd) from IKIP Semarang (1998).
Dr Tus is the only teacher in the country appointed as a member of the Indonesian Young Academy of Sciences (ALMI). His scientific articles on disaster education have been published in reputable journals. He presented researches with Japanese research partners at international conferences in Beijing, Singapore, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Japan. Tuswadi has been also a guest star in TV Program “Hitam Putih Trans-7”.
Dr Tus has published several books: Masa Kecilku (Novel), Petualangan Ayu-chan (Novel), Inspirasi Keluarga Pembelajar Negeri Sakura, Bukan Guru Biasa, Berguru, dan Journey of Macadamia: Kacang Penyelamat Alam dan Manusia. He served as the Director of the Polytechnic Banjarnegara (2018-2022) and the Program Director of the Indonesian Young Academy of Sciences (2020-2022).
Dr. Tus succeeded in bringing dozens of campuses to collaborate in education and research with Hiroshima University. He has brought more than 30 Indonesian youths to take Master and Doctoral Degree in Japan. He is an executive committee member of Waku Pro Japan at Hiroshima University. He founded “Rumah Pintar Dr Tus” in his home town as a place of preparing future leaders. Dr Tus can be invited to campus or to schools to give public lectures or motivational classes to improve the quality of lecturers/teachers and students.
Poster Title
3 M Garbage Management at School for Green World
E-mail: tus5800@yahoo.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-water-agency/