Rick Heikoop MURP, MEMR, has a 20 year record of achievement and demonstrated success in initiating, managing, and leading (international) collaborations and partnerships in a triple helix setup. He is a senior lecturer in Water Management at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (RUAS) and a researcher on urban climate adaptation at the Centre of Expertise Social Innovation. Rick has ongoing extensive collaboration with Indonesian partners for more than 20 years.
Rick holds a Master’s degree in Management of the European Metropolitan Region from Erasmus University Rotterdam and a Master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of the Philippines. He holds a bachelor’s degree in International Land and Water Management from Larenstein International Agricultural college in the Netherlands. He is currently working on his PhD research and has co-authorized several publications and book chapters.
Rick is co-founder of ClimateCafé. ClimateCafé is a dynamic community of several international organizations working in a climate cafe setting to educate and create innovative applied solutions for actual problems. The community includes international and national senior consultants, designers, developers, policy experts, community organizers, environmental scientists, citizens, and many more.