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WINNER 2024 » Speakers » Prof. Dr. Teguh Kurniawan, M.Sc
Prof. Dr. Teguh Kurniawan, M.Sc
Professor of Public Governance and Chair of the Innovation and Comparative Governance Research Cluster at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Indonesia


Teguh Kurniawan is a Professor of Public Governance and Chair of the Innovation and Comparative Governance Research Cluster at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Indonesia. Apart from being an academic, he also serves and contributes to various policy formulation activities at various levels of government in Indonesia. Teguh is also involved in various international research collaborations, including currently being involved in the GoGREEN Project, which is a research collaboration led by Prof. Jacob Torfing (Roskilde University Denmark) conducted in 28 countries, with 59 researchers, and 37 research case studies (

Poster Title

The Pangpang Bay Mangrove Conservation and Restoration (MCR) Program




Poster Session