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WINNER 2024 » Speakers » Mohammad Ikhsan Shiddieqy, MSc
Mohammad Ikhsan Shiddieqy, MSc
PhD candidate with the Animal Production Systems (APS) group, in collaboration with the Plant Production Systems (PPS) group of Wageningen University


Mohammad Ikhsan Shiddieqy is a PhD candidate with the Animal Production Systems (APS) group, in collaboration with the Plant Production Systems (PPS) group at Wageningen University and Research. He is also a researcher under the National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia (BRIN). His PhD project, titled “Sustainable beef production in Indonesia: Integration of oil palm and beef cattle production,” aims to explore the benefits and challenges of integrating oil palm and cattle systems for sustainable beef production in Indonesia. He holds a BSc in Animal Sciences from Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia, and an MSc in Animal Sciences from Wageningen University and Research.

Poster Title

Sustainable Beef Production in Indonesia: Integration of Oil Palm and Beef Cattle Production




Poster Session