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WINNER 2021 » Speakers » Miko Harjanti
Miko Harjanti
Trainer of Centre of Agriculture Training of Management and Leadership (CATML)


Dr. Miko Harjanti SE.. MSE., MA, completed her undergraduate program at Jenderal Soedirman University in 2002.  She worked at The Centre of Agricultural Training for Management and Leadership, Ministry of Agriculture of The Republic of Indonesia (2006-now), as a trainer. In 2011, she is awarded StuNed Scholarship Program, from Government of The Netherlands. She completed her master’s degree in double degree program from The International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University, The Hague the Netherlands. Specialization: Economic of Development.  The second degree from Universitas Indonesia. Specialization: Economic Science.  In 2018 she was again awarded a scholarship from Ministry of agriculture to continue her study at the doctoral stage in Institut Pertanian Bogor. Specialization: Development Communication. She enjoys presentating in front of her class and having discussion with her training participants.  Her training course specialization is in agribusiness, accounting for small scale business, entrepreneurship, farmer to farmer extension. She is also trainer for government officer with course specialization in leadership and organizational management. She also active in Asosiasi Profesi Widyaiswara Indonesia (Indonesian Trainer Association) as the organizer.



Poster Title

The Urban Farming Course for The Youth – Centre of Agriculture Training of Management and Leadership (CATML)



+62 8156970195

Facebook and Instagram : mikoharjanti

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