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WINNER 2024 » Speakers » Marie-Louise (Loes) Schure
Marie-Louise (Loes) Schure
Lecturer at the Veterinary Faculty Wildlife Studies University of Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh, Indonesia.


Marie-Louise (Loes) Schure has 25 years’ experience as a veterinary surgeon. After practicing veterinary clinical care for over 15 years, she currently focuses on victims of animal abuse and wildlife trafficking: she develops programs and protocols on veterinary forensics and veterinary care for confiscated and rescued animals. Since 2019, Loes is visiting lecturer at the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Utrecht and since 2023 lecturer at the Veterinary Faculty Wildlife Studies University of Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh, Indonesia.

Loes is highly skilled in wildlife medicinal care and conservation, animal welfare, wildlife rehabilitation and translocation, protection and environmental awareness campaigns. Training and education of officials, students, veterinarians, and care takers are key components of her work. She is the founder and project manager of Vets4welfare Foundation.