Dr.-Ing. Julio César García-Navarro is a hydrogen technology expert in New Energy Coalition, Groningen with over 10 years experience in the hydrogen space and with vast knowledge from different hydrogen technologies across the value chain. He received a master’s degree in Sustainable Energy Technology from Delft University of Technology (TUDelft, the Netherlands) and a PhD in Electrochemistry from the University of Stuttgart (Universität Stuttgart, Germany). He was a researcher at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) where he specialized in PEM electrolyzers. He continued working for the hydrogen compression and purification industry, where he held an R&D manager position and led a team of researchers to develop technologies for the electrochemical extraction and compression of hydrogen. He also worked as a project manager in cross-border collaboration projects with partners from all around the world, where he became acquainted with the status of the hydrogen markets and technology spaces of different countries.
He works now as a Program Manager Hydrogen at the New Energy Coalition, as the coordinator of the HyDelta program, the largest research consortium in the Netherlands, which has as objective to advance the study of hydrogen transport using the existing natural gas infrastructure. Additionally, he is a recurring lecturer for the New Energy Academy and the New Energy Business School, lecturing students from the University of Groningen and the Groningen University of Applied Sciences as well as industrial trainees, about subjects related to the hydrogen economy and the different hydrogen technologies. He is a contributor to dissemination and opinion articles for the Hydrogen Central online magazine (