Julian Nugroho, S.Pi., M.Si., CHRP. Is a practitioner in industry and organization psychology and also environmental scientist. Researcher and Founder of Nizmonia that provides services and products in order to bring better knowledge and eco-friendly practices to society. He graduated from Gadjah Mada University in Marine and Fisheries Management (2009) and received his Master of Industry and Organization Psychology from Islamic State University of Syarief Hidayatulloh (2017). Recently, he studies Development Communication Science in Doctoral Degree of IPB University. Julian was Head of Learning and Development (2018-2019) at PT. Tribhakti Inspektama, Independent Consultant (2014-2017), Learning Center SPV (2014), Learning and Development Officer (2012-2014) at PT. Eka Bogainti, Trainer (2011-2012) at PT. Eka Bogainti, and Field Surveyor (2009) at CV. Triguna Yogyakarta.
Poster Title
Review of Innovation Communication in Micro-hydro Technology Usage Adoption in Yogyakarta
E-mail: nizmonia.research@gmail.com
Poster Session