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WINNER 2022 » Speakers » Johan Sukweenadhi
Johan Sukweenadhi
Lecturer, Researcher at University of Surabaya (UBAYA) Research Consultant at Kalbe Ubaya Hanbang-Bio Laboratory Research Consultant at Tanemi Hydroponics Mentor at UBAYA InnovAction Hub (UIH)


During my graduate program at South Korea (2012-2017), I have been researching and exploring the plant growth promoting bacteria and its interaction to plant, especially the beneficial one; to develop microbial inoculant which can be used either as plant strengthener, biofertilizer, phytostimulator or biocontrol agents. I did the microbial isolation work from many kind of sources, and then study how the plant microbe interaction in genomic, transcriptomic and recently, metabolomics level. In South Korea, I work with several research group to promote plant growth, particularly ginseng and rice plants. I tested several novel plant growth promoting bacteria and studied its interaction with some plants (Arabidopsis, Rice, Ginseng). I also involved on breeding team to develop the hybrid ginseng, hydroponic culture and in vitro  culture of Ginseng. Nowadays, in Indonesia, I have been initiating hairy root culture method and plant growth promotion of original medicinal plant from Indonesia while doing collaboration research with Industry to provide ginseng as their raw material needs.

Poster Title

Mass Production of Panax ginseng C.A. Mey. Root Cultures in Indonesia



University of Surabaya


Tel: +62 81232818580
