Irina Rafliana is affiliated with the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia) since 1999, working in the area of science communication, tsunami risk assessment reduction, tsunami warning systems, inter/transdisciplinarity and capacity building. She had maintained her work since 2005 in the area of tsunami risk assessment, being brought up in Indonesia as one of the world’s highest tsunami risk country. She grew to be familiarized with the challenges in communicating sciences to public, along by witnessing how devastations of the tsunami waves could bring fundamental changes the society, moreover in the science domain. Her work experiences in the area of tsunami risk assessment; tsunami warning systems, public-policy dialogue and science communication is coupled with her training background in critical reflections in disaster sociology. She was the coordinator of the LIPI – Compress (Community Preparedness Program), a science-based tsunami risk reduction interventions from 2009-2012. She was also involved in and led several national assessments on the effectiveness of the tsunami warning systems in Indonesia based on real events (2010 Mentawai, 2012 A, 2014, 2016 and 2018). The experiences she was exposed to had brought her to the opportunity to document an important trajectory of warning system development in Indonesia from the social, cultural and political lenses which she is currently writing for her Doctoral thesis research in affiliation with the Deutches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik or German Development Insitute (DIE) and Universität Bonn. For the study she is awarded scholarship from DAAD. She was a Research Associate for the United Nations University, Institute of Environment and Human Security (UNU EHS) in 2015-2017. She was appointed as the member of the Global Science and Technology Advisor for the UNDRR (United Nations Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction), in 2017-2019. She previously chaired the ICG/IOTWS (Inter-governmental Coordinating Group, Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System) Working Group on Community Preparedness in 2009-2012. Also she was the previous Chair Task Team on Disaster Management for the (Indian Ocean, Pacific, North East Meditteranian, Carribean) Inter ICG for Tsunami and Other Sea-related Hazards Warning System (TOWS) – International Oceanographic Commission UNESCO (2010-2013). She was among the advisor and initiator of the U-INSPIRE Indonesia (Youth and Young Professionals in Science, Technology and Innovation Platform for Disaster Resilience). She also initiated the so-called Indonesian Social Science Panel for Disaster Risk Research, shortly after the Palu tsunami in 2018.