Dr Hawis Madduppa, ALMI’s Secretary-General, is an associate Professor at IPB University. His research interests are marine biodiversity and conservation, distribution and connectivity of the marine environment, ecology and biology of marine fish, population genetics (phylogeography), biosystematics, restoration and rehabilitation of fish habitats, and the use of fish as biological indicators. Dr Hawis is the executive director of the Indonesian Crab Management Association (http://www.apri.or.id) and also advisor to Whale Shark Indonesia (WS-ID), a collaborative initiative to manage and conserve whale sharks in Indonesia (http://whalesharkindonesia.org). He is actively involved as lead researcher in measuring gradients of marine biodiversity in Indonesia using Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) (http://infinitediversity.org). He is the caretaker of Biorock Indonesia, which works to restore and rehabilitate marine ecosystems throughout Indonesia (http://www.biorock-indonesia.com). He is a member of the collaborative network – Diversity of the Indo-Pacific Network (DIPnet), which combines (published) population genetic data into a searchable database so that original datasets can be used to answer questions about the conservation of marine biodiversity and aims to promote collaboration and support best practice for conducting biodiversity research.