Dr Gunadi, ALMI’s vice president of Frontiers Science, is a genetics/molecular genomics and pediatric surgery researcher, including the SARS-CoV-2 genome. He has an h-index of 13 with publications on 75 reputable articles. Dr Gunadi received prestigious awards, such as the 2020 World Federation of Associations of Pediatric Surgeons Foundation Scholarship, University College London and 2019 DAAD Management of Internationalization, Hannover. Dr Gunadi is the Chair of the Genetic/Internationalization Working Group of FK-KMK UGM, actively organizes conferences to increase the number of Indonesian publications, such as the 2019 International Symposium on Congenital Anomaly and Developmental Biology (BMC Proceedings, Medical Journal of Malaysia, Malaysian Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences). He is also an editor of reputable journal publications, such as BMC Medical Genomics (SJR Q1; IF 2.57), Archives of Medical Science (SJR Q1; IF 2.807), BMC Medical Genetics (SJR Q2; IF 1.668), Pediatric Surgery International (SJR Q2; IF 1.585), and Journal of the Medical Sciences (Sinta 2). Dr Gunadi holds several research grants such as from RISTEK BRIN, International (Tahir Grant).