Frank van Leth is an associate professor Health Science at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, where is he heading the section International Health in the Department of Health Sciences. Since 2021, he is one of the two vice-directors of Amsterdam Public Health research institute (APH).
Trained as a Medical Doctor in the field of Tropical Medicine, he worked as a Medical Office in-charge of a missionary hospital in Western Kenya. Upon his return, he pursued training in epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. As an epidemiologist he has an affinity for contextual relevant methodological approaches to capture public health needs and design interventions. His research work is on the intersection of infectious diseases, research methodology, and social science.
Having spent the earlier parts of his research career mainly on HIV and tuberculosis, his current activities revolve around antimicrobial resistance, and especially the surveillance thereof. He leads the Oasis consortium that seeks to improve antimicrobial resistance surveillance in a One-Health context. He has been chairman of TBnet, a European consortium consisting of clinicians, epidemiologist, biomedical scientists, and public health experts in the field of tuberculosis. He is currently associate editor for the Journal of Epidemiology and Community health.