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WINNER 2024 » Speakers » Dr. Ansje Löhr .
Dr. Ansje Löhr .
Associate Professor at the Department of Environmental Sciences of Open Universiteit (the Netherlands)


Ansje is Associate Professor at the Department of Environmental Sciences of Open Universiteit (the Netherlands) and visiting lecturer at the Soegijapranata Catholic University in Semarang Indonesia. She holds a Master’s degree in Marine Biology (University of Groningen, NL) and a PhD degree in Ecotoxicology (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL). Her teaching and research activities have a strong focus on plastic pollution and marine litter. Since 2014 she works in close cooperation with the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Global Partnership on Plastic pollution and Marine Litter (GPML) as project leader of capacity development activities such as the Massive Open Online Course on Plastic pollution and Marine litter and the Community of Practice on Capacity Development. In the Resilient Indonesian Slums Envisioned (RISE) project (NWO – RISTEK-BRIN), led by Radboud University and Universitas Indonesia, she leads the Knowledge Sharing and Capacity Building work package together with Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial (HIVOS).