Dr. Dian Afriyanie is the co-founder and currently Senior Researcher of Lokahita – Research Center for Ecology and Geospatial. She obtained her Ph.D from City and Regional Planning at Bandung Institute of Technology in 2020. She received IPCC Scholarship Award in 2019 for financing her Ph.D research on re-framing urban green space planning for flood protection through socio-ecological resilience. She has over 20 years of professional experiences, in the field of development, disaster risk reduction, climate change mitigation & adaptation, spatial planning and adaptive governance. Her work experiences encompass working with UNDP, UNICEF, USAID, and GGGI; as well as several line-ministries at National level (BAPPENAS, KEMENDIKBUD, KEMENDAGRI, BNPB, KLHK, and LAN) and governments at the provincial and districts/cities level. Dr. Afriyanie actively supports local governments to internalize and mainstreaming environmental carrying capacity, disaster risk reducation and climate change adaptation into spatial plans and development plans through strategic environmental assessment.