Arnold Tukker is the Professor of Industrial Ecology at the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML, 170 staff) at Leiden University. He served a maximum term of 8 years as CML’s Scientific director until September 2022. In 2023 the Board of Leiden University appointed him as Distinguished professor for Inter- and transdisciplinary sustainability research.
He retains a small position at the Dutch not for profit research organization TNO. Arnold set up 15 million Euro in EU projects in which the world’s most ambitious and detailed global energy/resource/economic input-output database (EXIOBASE) was built. He led a EU Marie Curie Innovative Training Network of 15 PhDs researching the circular economy (Circ€uit). Despite working until fall 2013 outside academia, he authored 6 books and over 200 refereed papers (h-value 71/30000 citations in Google scholar; h-value 55/15000 citations in Scopus). He was appointed as a member of the European Academy of Sciences in 2018, and recognised by the Web of Science group as a highly cited researcher since 2019.He has been engaged with work of the UN on the Green Economy Initiative, the Resources Panel, and Sustainable Development Goals and delivered over 100 invited speeches on international conferences.