Prof. Anita Hardon.
Trained as a medical anthropologist and biologist, Anita Hardon has been engaged in ambitious multi-level, multi-sited and often interdisciplinary studies on immunization, new reproductive technologies, HIV medicines, and illicit and licit chemicals that have generated important ethnographic insights on the appropriation of these technologies in diverse social-cultural settings, their efficacy in everyday life, the role of social movements in their design, and the dynamics of care and policy-making in their provision. She makes communicating research findings to patient advocates, policy-makers, and public health researchers and practitioners a priority.
Prof. Anita Hardon is currently the chair of the Knowledge, Technology and Innovation group at Wageningen University. She also holds the position of chair of the Social Sciences and Humanities at NWO (Dutch Research Council), and an executive board member of the Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development (AIGHD). She was a full professor of Anthropology in the faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences and director of the research priority area Global Health at the University of Amsterdam and the former scientific director of the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR).
In addition to these roles, she is regularly sought after as a PhD supervisor, a guest lecturer, a keynote presenter and an advisor. Anita has had visiting professorships from universities around the world and numerous prestigious awards recognizing her invaluable contribution to the field of healthcare, global health, and sexual and reproductive health.