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Language Diagnosing Tools to Improve the Quality of Education of DLD Children
Authors: Mila Irmawati, MA; Syifa Adiba

Developmental Language Disorders (DLD) is one of the language impairments that commonly occur in every 14 children in the classroom around the globe. Somehow, children with DLD will have an impact on their development, particularly in their education process and development. Thus, it is necessary to perform an early diagnosing assessment for the children so that better treatment can be performed by teachers at school to help the children with DLD gain their potential ability with the most appropriate approach. Therefore, the present study intends to examine the types of diagnosing tools that can be integrated into the school assessment so the teacher can use the diagnosing results as a baseline to give the best treatment to their children. The method used in this study is a literature review by reviewing previous studies in the field of language diagnosing tools for DLD children. The results will give a picture of what kind of tools can be used to assess DLD children and to give teachers suggestions on how to test children with DLD. This study will also become the first study that can give suggestions to stakeholders for integrating language diagnosing tools in schools to improve the quality of education of DLD children.

Should you have any questions, please contact :

Mila Irmawati, MA; Syifa Adiba;

LinkedIn : Mila Irmawati, MA;