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Winner 2021 - Day 2 » Urban – Rural Sustainable Development

Urban – Rural Sustainable Development


Bobi Setiawan

Professor of Urban Planning, Departement of Architecture and Planning, Gadjah Mada University. Director for doctoral program in urban and regional planning at the same university.
Iqbal Yulizar Mukti

PhD Candidate, University of Twente
Martin Drenth

PhD Candidate at the Department of Planning, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen
Rajesri Govindaraju

Professor within the Department of Industrial Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia
Ronald Holzhacker

Professor of Comparative Multilevel Governance and Regional Structure, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, and the International Relations department, University of Groningen. Director of the Groningen Research Centre for Southeast Asia and ASEAN (SEA ASEAN), an inter-disciplinary research program

Head of Communication & Informatic Agency West Java Provincial Government, Indonesia
Tim Zwaagstra

Senior Policy Adviser Southeast Asia at the department for International Strategy & Relations.

Event Details

Day 2
October 27th, 2021
14.00 - 15.15 GMT+7 / 09.00 - 10.15 GMT+2

Addressing social and economic inequalities between rural-urban areas is our focus here, analysing various regions across Indonesia.

Stream 1: Sustainable development of urban-rural corridors
Sustainable development and the implementation of the SDGs may greatly benefit from a broader regional perspective, uniting city and rural areas, and provincial and district levels of governance. We identify synergies for the implementation of SDG 8 economic growth, 10 inequalities, and 11 sustainable cities with the climate change agenda. We focus here on two particular areas, the area around Bandung with a focus on the hydrosocial cycle, and a corridor on Kalimantan incorporating the New Capital Region and surrounding rural and forested areas. The aim is to strengthen the link between national and local planning of SDGs and climate.

Stream 2: The rural smartness business ecosystem
This stream focuses on the diffusion of rural smartness in West Java. The core of the work concerns the design and implementation of a digital platform to reduce these economic inequalities between rural and urban areas and facilitate the development of a business rural ecosystem. This research involves the close collaboration of Dutch and Indonesian researchers, with the ICT Agency of West Java Government. We discuss both the design process and its theoretical grounding, and how effective this research is in achieving the intended societal impact. We will also explain why the collaboration has been instrumental for the success of the project, and is exemplary for reaping the full benefits of future PhD projects.


This session will illustrate how the Netherlands and Indonesia research collaboration can positively contribute to solving local problems in Indonesia and at the same time produce novel academic research. In particular, this session will address the social and economic inequalities between urban and rural areas. The first stream will discuss how the development of urban-rural corridors could strengthen the link between national and local planning to achieve the sustainable development goals. Whereas, the second stream will discuss how the diffusion of smartness within the rural business ecosystems may contribute to reducing the urban-rural economic inequalities.

Event Recording