Urban dynamics
Event Details
Analysing urban development dynamics and impacts
After decades of urban development, Indonesia’s urban population now outnumbers its rural population. The rapid urbanisation process has resulted in numerous sustainability issues including congestion, deteriorating air quality and exposure to natural hazards. The latter is particularly urgent in view of climatic changes that may exacerbate urbanisation impacts. In this session we highlight recent research in mapping the urban development process (e.g., relying on drones and interactive mapping tools), analysing the forces that influence this process (e.g., determining the impact of highway construction on urban sprawl) and assessing potential future developments (e.g., using spatially explicit modelling tools). In all contributions we want to highlight relations with urban planning. To do so, we share newly developed tools and insights that are relevant to the planning process and that may help limit adverse impacts of urban development in the future.
The session consists of three main parts. We start with three short presentations focusing on recent research progress and continue with an interactive session on mapping informal settlements for which the audience is invited to explore a newly developed participatory mapping platform. We close the session with a short discussion in which researchers and practitioners evaluate how the presented results and tools may be used to inform other researchers (e.g., how innovative mapping may contribute to explaining development processes and assessing sustainability impacts) and may help to support spatial planning.
The target audience consists of researchers studying urban dynamics and practitioners interested in linking academic research to the practice of urban planning.
• New insights in urban development processes
• Exposure to new tools to map and simulate urban development