Socio-Culture and Humaniora (including Archeology)

Ahmad Najib Burhani
Research Professor and Head (acting) of the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities (ISSH) at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)

Bart Barendregt
Professor in the Anthropology of Digital Diversity at the Leiden Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Sociology

Zulfa Sakhiyya
Lecturer at the Department of English Language and Literature Education and the head of the Center for Literacy Studies at the State University of Semarang (UNNES)
Event Details
The discussion in this session will centre on current Indonesian research, innovation, and publication in the area of social sciences and humanities. How can social sciences and humanities support the Indonesian economy, such as by providing academic works on halal industry and sharia economy, fashion, tourism, pilgrimage, creative, and digital industry? A speaker from BRIN will present BRIN’s research agenda on these topics and on strengthening national identity by research on maritime, ethnicity and religion. This will be followed by a reflection by a speaker from The Netherlands, including where Indonesia and the Netherlands could work together on this, after which the floor will be opened for discussion.