Water & climate change
Event Details
Cooperation between the Indonesian and Dutch government in improving water management to face the climate change
The Joint Cooperation Programme (JCP) was a long-term cooperation between the Indonesian and Dutch government. It has been executed between 2011 and 2020 and covered three phases. It aimed at improving water management in Indonesia by strengthening the position of both the Indonesian and the Dutch institutes in the field of water and climate for a sustainable development. The program focusses on the hydrometeorological datasets and models that can directly be applied by all stakeholders.
The objectives of JCP can be summarized as:
• Bringing the Indonesian institutes to a state-of-the-art capacity level in line with their missions and mandates to strengthen the capacity in Indonesia to realize their national ambitions.
• Further improving the cooperation between the Indonesian institutes, as well as the Dutch institutes.
• Support the creation of a concrete platform for sustainable collaboration between Indonesian institutes.
• Involving the Indonesian institutes in (national and international funded) key projects in which their specific expertise and tools are required.
• Developing knowledge and experience on water resources management, climate, meteorology and food security in Indonesia and consolidating this in tools and scientific papers
JCP came to an end with the final workshop in December 2020 but left a solid base for a better Water Resources Management in Indonesia and future collaborative activities. In this seminar, we will showcase the result and the achievements from the cooperation.
Learn how collaboration between Indonesia and The Netherlands in JCP activities has succeeded in improving