Preparedness for the Next Wave: the Pandemic of Antimicrobial Resistance
Event Details
COVID-19 is ravaging the world at this moment (including The Netherlands and Indonesia), with a huge personal, societal and economic impact. A new real pandemic with a new coronavirus, originating from the animal world. But a somewhat older pandemic by antimicrobial resistant (AMR) bacteria has and still is taking more lives than SARS, MERS, Avian Influenza and COVID-19 together and will continue to do so with a predicted 10 million deaths per year in 2050. And also here the interlink between humans, animals and the environment plays a crucial role.
As Bill Gates stated earlier in his TED talk: The World is not (yet) prepared for these pandemics. To get prepared, we must do more. Global collaboration between the scientific world, global institutions, governments, industry and society is essential. Transdisciplinary research is needed to better prepare for new pandemics and to solve the current AMR pandemic.
Indonesia and The Netherlands have long-standing and intensive collaborations in these fields. One good example is the AMRIN study as part of the KNAW-SPIN initiative. But new pandemics require new as well as intensification of existing collaborations, and the One Health approach needs more emphasis.
In this interactive workshop, we bring together scientists from different backgrounds, nationalities and institutions to discuss the challenges ahead and how to solve them. We will interactively discuss various scenarios concerning AMR to try to find new solutions that fit in our societies.
Target audience: infectious diseases specialists, clinical microbiologists, veterinarians, biomedical and social scientists, hospital managers, government officials, water scientists.
- Dr. Juliëtte Severin – Erasmus MC
- Dr. David Speksnijder – University Utrecht
- Prof Annelies Verbon – Erasmus MC
- Prof Jaap Wagenaar – University Utrecht
- Prof Heiman Wertheim – Radboud UMC
- Prof Kuntaman – FK-UNAIR
- Dr. Vivi Lisdaqati – Prof Dr Sulianti Saroso Hospital
- Dr. Anis Karuniawati – FKUI
- Prof Muhammad Nasrum Massi – FK-UNHAS
- Dr. Imron Suandy – VPH/University Utrecht