Improving Healthcare System Resillience through Collaboration and Exchange of Knowledge: Leverage big data analytics to detect outbreaks and support real-time decision-making

Lutfan Lazuardi
Director of Health Policy and Management, FK-KMK Gadjah Mada University

Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and the Head of the Center for Research and Community Services at Politeknik Negeri Semarang

Juseong Lee
Assistant Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences, TU Eindhoven

Daniel Kapitan
Fellow at the Eindhoven AI Systems Institute (EAISI)

Upiek Riptoningrum
Data analyst at the Pharmacy Department of Maxima Medical Center in Veldhoven, the Netherlands
Event Details
SIAP (Sistem Informasi Awas Pandemi): Data Integration And Utilisation to Strengthen Health System Resilience which will leverage big data analytics to detect outbreaks and support real-time decision-making for responsive and predictive medical support.
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the limitations of healthcare systems, particularly in low- and middle-income countries like Indonesia, which has most likely inadequate healthcare infrastructure. The use of big data renders healthcare systems more robust and resilient under pandemic. The pandemic situation changes drastically over time and throughout a country. A sudden surge of patients overloads hospitals and sometimes paralyses local healthcare systems. Furthermore, the medical capacity, such as test kits, ICUs, and vaccines are limited. Thus, flexible and agile decisions in medical support are key of pandemic preparedness. Analysis of big data can detect the outbreak at the societal level and support (real-time) decision-makings in healthcare systems. In crisis situations like the COVID-19 pandemic, reliable and up-to-date information is crucial, but the current healthcare data system in Indonesia has overlaps in recording and reporting systems, hindering the quality of the generated data.
The improvement of the quality of healthcare data, beter skills and capacity of medical professionals to manage and use big data would improve the resilience of Indonesia’s healthcare system against potential pandemics. It would also be in line with the ambition of Indonesian Ministry of Health (MoH) to realise SATU SEHAT, to further its national digital health transformation. These require inter/trans-disciplinary research between data science, operations research, and medical study, which can be only achieved by the close collaboration between Indonesian and Dutch researchers sharing their expertise and knowledge.
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