Climate Adaptation Challenge for Indonesian NL Alumni 2021

Dito Alif Pratama
Alumni Officer of Nuffic Neso Indonesia

Atika Almira
Working for the National Affordable Housing Program (NAHP),

James Zulfan
Engineer and Water resource researcher at Ministry of Public Works and Housing in Indonesia (PUPR)

Aqdar Maskur
Director of Ritma Green

Mohamad Maulana Taufik
Education Promotion Officer of Nuffic Neso Indonesia
Event Details
Indonesian NL alumni have been challenged to create an awareness campaign on the content and potential of the Adaptation Action Agenda which was launched during the Climate Adaptation Summit 2021. The two best ideas have been awarded EUR 5.000 to roll out the campaigns over the summer of 2021. The Climate Adaptation Challenge is organized in the context of WINNER (Week of Indonesia Netherlands Education and Research), by the Dutch Embassy and Nuffic Neso Indonesia with support of the Dutch Ministry for Infrastructure and Water Management.
Join our session to get know more on the projects that have been implemented by the winners of Climate Adaptation Challenge within summer 2021. Atika Almira (an alumnus from IHS Erasmus University Rotterdam) and her team, working on the campaign: “Taking Care of Our Water”. This team of Water Superheroes will counter water spillage through a creative and educative campaign. Meanwhile, Aqdar (Alumnus of NFP training program from Wagening University Research) and his Ritma Green team working on a campaign for Sustainable Coffee Production and Consumption.