Access to Justice in Indonesia: How effective is legal Systems in Addressing Land Conflicts and Natural Resources Management?
Event Details
Before ‘access to justice’ became a UN sustainable development goal (no. 16), the Indonesian government had already adopted a ‘national strategy for Access to Justice’ (Stranas, in 2008) with the aim of boosting the accessibility of its legal system.
In this panel we discuss and evaluate the effectiveness of these reforms by presenting the results of various research projects on how common Indonesians deal with the legal system. Focusing particularly on conflicts and grievances related to land and natural resource management, we will discuss the role of Indonesian legal system in addressing these grievances. As the Netherlands and Indonesia have a longstanding cooperation in the field of the rule of law, we will also present and discuss the outcomes of a number of recent (research) collaborations in this field. The aim of the panel is to use this discussion of concrete cases to identify the main obstacles for strengthening access to justice in Indonesia, and how these might be addressed. To this end, we will combine short presentations (5 min) with an interactive discussion about these obstacles.