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Enhancing Plastic Waste Management in Schools with EcoViber
Authors: Muh Dliyaul Haq

Plastic waste management is a crucial environmental issue, especially in educational settings where awareness and participation can greatly impact community practices. This study tackles this challenge by developing the EcoViber application to enhance student engagement and promote sustainable waste management. Using the waterfall methodology, EcoViber facilitates the recording, analysis, and visualization of plastic waste collected by students. It features an intuitive interface, data input forms for waste tracking, and visual reports showing collection trends and class contributions. EcoViber led to the collection of over 54.95 kg of plastic waste in a few months, significantly increasing student participation and awareness. User feedback highlighted high satisfaction and its effectiveness in educating students about plastic waste impacts and proper management. The study concludes that EcoViber is a valuable tool for school waste management and fosters environmental responsibility among students. Continuous updates are essential for its effectiveness and adaptability to educational needs. This research highlights the potential of technology-driven solutions for environmental challenges and encourages exploring similar initiatives in various educational contexts.<br />

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Muh Dliyaul Haq

LinkedIn : Muh Dliyaul Haq