The collaboration in research and education between Indonesia and Wageningen University & Research (WUR) has a long history, dating back to WUR’s early days. Each year, over 100 Indonesian students come to Wageningen, many funded by the Indonesian government’s LPDP program, which requires them to return and contribute to their home country after completing their studies or gaining a year of work experience abroad. This historical connection has facilitated numerous fundamental and applied research projects involving WUR staff and Indonesian students. Additionally, international students are eager to gain internship experience and explore career opportunities in the Indonesian agricultural sector. Our aim is to inform students and graduates about career opportunities in Indonesia, bridge them with internship and research opportunities, and provide employers the chance to promote themselves and connect with interested students and graduates, including WUR alumni. This initiative targets all students and graduates of WUR, with an expected attendance of 100-200 participants, and employers in agribusiness and research sectors with open positions. The event will be held in an online format, and accessible online via an online portal. This setup allows broader participation and greater flexibility for attendees. Participants will have the unique opportunity to engage in a career fair that bridges the Netherlands and Indonesia in the fields of agriculture and life sciences. Employers will gain direct access to WUR students, both Indonesian and expatriates, who are seeking internship and research opportunities in Indonesia. They can also recruit WUR students and alumni looking to pursue careers in Indonesia. This event provides valuable networking and career-building opportunities for both students and employers.</p>
<p>Keywords: International Collaboration; Agricultural Research; Internship Opportunities; Career Development; Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 4: Quality Education)