Structured Sessions (for example: Space for PHD Presentations or NL Alumni Presentations) – Poster Sessions

Anka Mulder
Member of the Steering Committee on Online Education in Higher Education in the Netherlands

Dudi Hidayat
Director Research Centre for STI Policy and Management (BRIN)

Anita Hardon
NWO Executive Board, Chair Domain Social Sciences and Humanities

Mego Pinandito
Deputy for Utilization of Research and Innovation BRIN

Edy Giri Rachman Putra
Deputy for Utilization of Research and Innovation BRIN

Dirk Jan Koch
Chief Science Officer of the Ministry of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and also professor by special appointment of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation at Radboud University in Nijmegen.

Evi Eliyanah
Faculty member and Director of Office of International Affairs at Universitas Negeri Malang (UM)
Event Details
This session is intended to clarify the function and role of BRIN as the new focal point and coordinating agency for innovation in Indonesia and discuss Indonesian perspectives on innovation in relation to Dutch perspectives. BRIN will present an outline of its organization and a summary of its priority research agenda. The approach/definition of Innovation in relation to the SDGs will be explored, such as the need for an interdisciplinary approach, and to avoid equating innovation with ‘technology’. Where are there trade-offs, wicked problems or overlaps between different SDGs and the various identified research priorities? How can they be addressed in a systemic way? What sort of collaborations – between countries, fundamental and applied research, different research disciplines, but also between researchers and practitioners – are necessary, and how can they be facilitated? Where can the two countries learn from each other? Are there particular areas or initiatives where there are concrete ideas for collaboration, or where recommendations for collaboration between Indonesia and the Netherlands can be made?
This session sets the stage for three further sessions on Day 2 of WINNER that will elaborate different priorities on BRIN’s research agenda and opportunities for Dutch institutions and researchers to collaborate. These sessions will focus on: Marine and Fisheries research (research vessels); Socio Culture and Humanoria (including Archeology); and Digital Technology (including Applications, AI, Digital Archive).